Conservation Clips is a weekly collection of articles distributed by NACD that provides our members and partners with the latest news in what’s driving conservation. These articles are not indicative of NACD policy and are the opinions of their authors, unless otherwise noted. If you have a relevant submission or need assistance with accessing articles, please contact the NACD Communications Team.
NACD: NACD 2023 Annual Meeting TA Grant Participant: Joshua Kouri This blog post is part of a six-part series highlighting technical assistance (TA) grant recipient participation at NACD’s 77th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA. This post’s author, Joshua Kouri of Oklahoma County Conservation District in OK, attended the meeting with a TA stipend. NCF: NGLI 2023: Mid-Year Session Recap The 2023 Cohort of the National Conservation Foundation (NCF) Next Generation Leadership Institute completed their mid-year training session this April. This cohort marks the first time the program has moved to a three session model, which allows for less travel but more face to face time with a week-long session in the middle of their leadership journey.
USDA: Agriculture and Interior Departments Invest $2.8 Billion to Improve Public Lands Access and Support Conservation Efforts Across the United States The Departments of Agriculture and the Interior announced a proposed $2.8 billion in funding for fiscal year 2024 to improve infrastructure, recreation facilities, federal lands access, and land and water conservation. USDA: USDA Invests $17 Million in Partnerships to Restore Wetlands, Support Underserved Producers The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing $17 million in five Wetland Reserve Enhancement Partnership projects, bringing together partners and landowners in a joint effort to return critical wetland functions to agricultural landscapes. Working Lands for Wildlife: Where Trees Meet Sage: Striking a Balance Between Sage Grouse and Pinyon Jay Needs Research from two papers helps managers balance conservation to benefit imperiled sagebrush and woodland birds species. USDA: USDA Seeks Members for Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking nominations for four positions on the Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. Nominations will be open to the public until July 15, 2023. Hay & Forage Grower: Alfalfa Yield Helps Bottom Line, Soil Health Our eyes alone tell us that a perennial forage crop like alfalfa should benefit the soil with its lush plant canopy and deep root system. Less obvious to the eye are the nitrogen-fixing capabilities that alfalfa brings to the table. U.S. House Committee on Agriculture: Subcommittee on Conservation, Research, and Biotechnology Hearing On May 23, 2023 the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Research, and Biotechnology will hold a hearing to receive testimony from the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency. American Forest Foundation: Farm Bill Must Include Solutions for Family Forest Owners Forests in the Farm Bill (FIFB), a coalition of more than 70 forestry and conservation organizations, released today a set of recommendations focused on improving the forest-related sections of the upcoming Farm Bill.
Farm Progress: Runoff Study Shows Importance of Cover Crops Students with the University of Arkansas conducted a study on phosphorus runoff in Beaver Lake Watershed. Their work highlighted the importance of stream bank stabilization and agricultural cover crops. The Telegraph: Farmers Need State Help with Soil Conservation (Opinion) Farmers need support from leaders at the state level to implement conservation practices to help improve the health of the soil and ensure continued sustainable management of the land. The Batesville Guard: Sign-Up for Small Farm and Urban Agriculture Conservation The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Arkansas announced two additional sign-ups through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program’s Small Farm and Urban Agriculture Initiative and the Conservation Stewardship Program. Berkshire Conservation District Healthy Soils The Berkshire Conservation District announced the receipt of grant funding from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs to increase the use of no-till seeding methods along with soil testing by farmers throughout western Massachusetts. Tribune-Review: Franklin Regional, Conservation District Officials Seek Grant for Work on Haymaker Run The Franklin Regional School District and Westmoreland Conservation District are pursuing a grant to fund work on habitat and infrastructure restoration on Haymaker Run. The Chronicle: High Schoolers Help Nourish Avon Lake’s Pollinator Garden Members of a local garden club and students from Avon Lake High School teamed up to ready Avon Lake’s pollinator garden for the summer. This was the fifth year that members of the class assisted the garden club in spreading leaf humus, a natural fertilizer made of decomposed plant material, at the Community Center Pollinator Garden. South Dakota Soil Health Coalition: Long-Term Research Reveals Advantages of Diverse Crop Rotations Researchers with the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory near Brookings, South Dakota have researched cover crops for decades, resulting in more reliable information to use when designing crop rotations. Wyoming Game & Fish Department: Wyoming Agricultural Producers Can Apply for Grassland Conservation Funds With USDA The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is now accepting applications from producers and private landowners for the Grassland Conservation Reserve Program. The funds available to Wyoming producers are made possible through the USDA-Wyoming Big Game Conservation Pilot Program. The Daily Item: Conservation District Offering Program on Cover Crops The Snyder County Conservation District is offering a program to encourage county farmers to plant cover crops for the first time within the Middle Creek Watershed. Reimbursements and/or payments can be forwarded to the farmer, the seed dealer, and/or the custom drill operator. The Daily Times: Conservation District Installs Levelers in Local Beaver Dams Conservationists and beaver aficionados have reason to celebrate — the furry, water-loving animals are making a comeback in Blount County. The Blount County Soil Conservation District installed levelers to promote habitat and prevent flooding. Michigan State University: Northern States Collaborate With Finland: MSU to Co-Lead Workshop on Climate Solutions Through Biobased Products The Michigan State University (MSU) Department of Forestry partners with Natural Resources Institute Finland to facilitate workshop on climate-smart forestry products. California DWR: DWR Delivers $143.7 Million to Local Communities to Address Regional Water Supply Challenges and Build Climate Resilience To help empower local communities and address impacts caused by climate change, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) has awarded $143.7 million to implement 115 projects, including projects from the Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District (RCD) and Sierra RCD. University of Montana: UM to Lead a Precision Forestry and Rangeland Innovation Engine The University of Montana (UM) recently was selected to lead one of the first-ever Regional Innovation Engine awards from the National Science Foundation. UM’s project is designed to advance precision forestry and rangeland technologies. Farm Week Now: U of I Study Shows Cover Crops Could Cu6t Nitrogen in Illinois Drainage Water by 30% New University of Illinois (U of I) research shows widespread seeding of cereal rye as a winter cover crop could reduce nitrate levels in Illinois tile drainage by 30%. This new study is the first to estimate cereal rye’s potential on a statewide level. Go Erie: Several Lakes Across Pennsylvania Receive Enhancements for Fishing, Erosion Control The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, with help from other agencies and volunteers, is working on several habitat improvement projects across Pennsylvania this summer, including one project led by the Berks County Conservation District and another in partnership with the Crawford County Conservation District.